Vivid Dreams, made with Unreal 3
This project dates from college. I worked with five other student game artists and developed all programming solutions using Unreal Engine 3, UnrealScript, Kismet, and Maya Embedded Language (MEL) scripting. I was the primary software engineer on the project.
Work Done
Technical Art
- Created identical shaders for Autodesk Maya's viewport and Unreal Engine 3
- Automated 3-point light rigs in Maya using MEL script
- Imported animation skeletons from Autodesk Maya into Unreal's editor
- Implemented hit detection using tracers for melee weapon fighting
- Setup a top-down fixed camera with smooth zooming
- Blended animations with Unreal's C++ API using available animation nodes
- Teleported an out-of-bounds player to their nearest node path
- Faded trees with occlusion using Kismet and Material Instance Constants
- Implemented health pickups