Porsche Cayman, made with Maya

This is a rendering of a 3D model I made. I gained deeper skills in Autodesk Maya while being challenged to model larger smooth surfaces. I was more experienced with starting a model using polygonal meshes, like a cube or a plane, but I didn't want to manage a dense mesh. I could have depended on subdivision previews to see smooth surfaces, but the result was always an approximation and sometimes looked lumpy. Instead, I started with NURBS because it lets you see a smooth surface immediately. Another benefit is using the NURBS to polygon command to create a polygonal mesh while still having NURBS curves for further tweaks.
Skills Used
- Used picture references within Maya while modeling using NURBS
- Converted NURBS surfaces into lower-res polygonal meshes
- Rendered with Mental Ray rendering using final gathering and HDR lighting
- Composited the wireframe with the beauty shot using Adobe Photoshop